Where Are You On The Sacred Medicine Wheel?

Published under: Healing, Shamanism

Warrior Priestess's Medicine Wheel

The Sacred Med­i­cine Wheel

For mil­len­nia, the Sacred Med­i­cine Wheel has been instru­men­tal in main­tain­ing the bal­ance of pow­er among the indige­nous tribes of North Amer­i­ca.  The “med­i­cine” refers to “wis­dom” and the “wheel” rep­re­sents the cycles of life. By learn­ing to “walk the wheel” — and view life from many dif­fer­ent per­spec­tives — the Med­i­cine Wheel offers a prac­ti­cal approach to cul­ti­vat­ing har­mo­ny and bal­ance in one’s life.

Begin­ning in the Chil­dren’s Fire (ages 0–3), we move clock­wise (start­ing with the Men’s Lodge) into a new lodge every 3 years.  After gain­ing the per­spec­tive of the Dog Sol­diers, we return to the Chil­dren’s Fire and begin anoth­er cycle around the wheel.

Here’s a chart that will help you deter­mine where you are on the wheel and offers some insight into each viewpoint.

In the U.S., our arms manufacturers and the Pentagon occupy the same lodge — the War Chief’s Lodge.   The decision to go to war shouldn’t be made from the same mindset as that of the organizations manufacturing the weapons.   Look where that’s gotten us.

You can learn more about the Sacred Medicine Wheel (tapes and workshops) at Rev. Rosalyn Bruyere’s website.

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