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Dances With HormonesMay 13, 2006
Published under: Hormone Health, Modern Generation Map
I used to love my OB/GYN. We were partners in keeping me healthy. Showing up for my annual visit was, at worst, a mild inconvenience. That is, until my hormones started doing their dance — moving me into what appeared to be my change-of-life. And, I was no longer satisfied with the information I was getting from her. I’m sure she meant well. But, her busy practice wasn’t allowing her the time to keep current on the latest research. And, the drug reps who visited weren’t going to educate her on any advances outside traditional medicine. So, I became my own health advocate, and set out on a journey that ultimately lead me to discover how to restore a more normal, physiologically rhythmic cycle to my life. One aspect of this includes the use of a natural bioidentical HRT protocol outlined in T.S. Wiley’s “Sex, Lies, & Menopause.” Here’s a list of doctors who are offering this solution. < Return to Previous Page |