Dances With Hormones

Published under: Hormone Health, Modern Generation Map

Have your hor­mones come between you and your MD?

I used to love my OB/GYN. We were part­ners in keep­ing me healthy.  Show­ing up for my annu­al vis­it was, at worst, a mild inconvenience.

That is, until my hor­mones start­ed doing their dance — mov­ing me into what appeared to be my change-of-life. And, I was no longer sat­is­fied with the infor­ma­tion I was get­ting from her.

I’m sure she meant well. But, her busy prac­tice was­n’t allow­ing her the time to keep cur­rent on the lat­est research. And, the drug reps who vis­it­ed weren’t going to edu­cate her on any advances out­side tra­di­tion­al medicine.

So, I became my own health advo­cate, and set out on a jour­ney that ulti­mate­ly lead me to dis­cov­er how to restore a more nor­mal, phys­i­o­log­i­cal­ly rhyth­mic cycle to my life.

One aspect of this includes the use of a nat­ur­al bioiden­ti­cal HRT pro­to­col out­lined in T.S. Wiley’s “Sex, Lies, & Menopause.”

Here’s a list of doc­tors who are offer­ing this solution.

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