Modern Generation Map

Map of the Internet

What does the future hold? Well, none of us real­ly know for sure.

What we do know is that we’re in midst of some of the biggest plan­e­tary changes in our lifetime.

All we can do is stay healthy and ground­ed — and attempt to be ful­ly con­scious of what’s going on.

This sec­tion will pro­vide some guid­ance to those peer­ing into the future.

Hope­ful­ly we can cre­ate a map for every­one on this journey.

It’s Your Choice: Restoration or Deterioration

Some thoughts on aging...

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The Secret Behind the Pill

Experience teaches us that if something seems too good to be true, then it probably is. Unfortunately, The Pill was not - and still is not - serving our best interests...

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Hormone FAQs

8 things you should know...

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Dances With Hormones

Have your hormones come between you and your MD? You're not alone...

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Bioidentical Hormone Replacement For Dummies

A few key insights into bioidentical hormone replacement...

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