Tibetan Sound Healing

Published under: Healing, Shamanism

The Bön Bud­dhist tra­di­tion of Tibet is one of the world’s old­est unbro­ken spir­i­tu­al traditions. 

Now you can con­nect to the ancient sacred sounds of the Bön prac­tice — and through them acti­vate the heal­ing poten­tial of your mind.

By invok­ing the 5 War­rior “Seed” Syl­la­bles you con­nect with your mind’s essen­tial nature — unleash­ing greater cre­ativ­i­ty and clear­ing obsta­cles to your body, ener­gy, and emotions.


Click below for Ten­zin Wangyal Rin­poche’s intro­duc­tion to this practice.


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