The Apocalypse is Now!

Published under: Symbols + Numbers

For many the word “apoc­a­lypse” con­jures up images of death and destruc­tion.  We’re remind­ed of the the long-proph­e­sied cat­a­clysmic “end of times.”

But, if we look deep­er — the word takes on a dif­fer­ent sig­nif­i­cance.  The word “apoc­a­lypse” is derived from the Greek word meaning

to uncov­er, to lay open what has been veiled or cov­ered up.

The last book of the Bible — “Rev­e­la­tion”- was orig­i­nal­ly titled “Apokalup­sis Iohn­nou.”  “Apokalup­sis” in its Greek raw root form means

to uncov­er what has been cov­ered up.

We now have an oppor­tu­ni­ty to dis­cov­er long-hid­den truths.

It’s the end of the world as we know it.

The veils are being lift­ed. What a won­drous time to be alive.

“Thay­er’s Greek Eng­lish Lex­i­con of the New Tes­ta­ment.” Hen­drick­son Pub­lish­ers, 2002.

And, thanks to REM for their great song.

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