Imagine a Healing Theater Experience

Published under: Healing

Perga­mum Aesclepion

You’re in ancient Greece, at the Aescle­pi­on, par­tic­i­pat­ing in a cer­e­mo­ny — jour­ney­ing into the dream­time — dream­ing a dream of heal­ing for the entire community.

You are not alone. Hun­dreds join you on this journey.
Heal­ing and the­ater are one. Not sep­a­rat­ed like today.

Cer­e­mo­ny and rit­u­al con­nect us to the divine in all that is around and with­in us.

Feel the echos from those times. Imag­ine a resur­gence of those the­atri­cal heal­ing experiences.

Heal your­self, heal your com­mu­ni­ty — and you can heal the entire world. Its not too late.

For more info. on the ancient heal­ing the­ater read Car­olyn Casey’s “Mak­ing the Gods Work for You,” which is avail­able here.

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