
The Shaman’s Drum

The word “shaman” refers to a per­son who jour­neys to non-ordi­nary worlds or real­i­ties in an altered state of consciousness.

In his book, “Shaman­ism: Archa­ic Tech­niques of Ecsta­sy,” Mircea Eli­ade con­cludes that

Shaman­ism under­lays all the oth­er spir­i­tu­al tra­di­tions on the plan­et, and that the most dis­tinc­tive fea­ture of shaman­ism — but by no means the only one — was the jour­ney to oth­er worlds in an altered state of consciousness.

Shaman­ism is not a belief sys­tem. It’s a sys­tem of knowl­edge that’s based on per­son­al expe­ri­ence. The shaman jour­neys and brings back infor­ma­tion (heal­ing, spir­i­tu­al truths, etc.) for his tribe.

“Shaman­ic Heal­ing: We Are Not Alone.” An Inter­view of Michael Harn­er by Bon­nie Hor­ri­g­an, 1997.  Avail­able here.

Imagine a Healing Theater Experience

You're in ancient Greece, at the Aesclepion, participating in a ceremony. . .entering the dreamtime. . ....

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Tibetan Sound Healing

The Bön Buddhist tradition of Tibet is one of the world's oldest unbroken spiritual traditions. ...

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