Modern Generation Map

Map of the Internet

What does the future hold? Well, none of us real­ly know for sure.

What we do know is that we’re in midst of some of the biggest plan­e­tary changes in our lifetime.

All we can do is stay healthy and ground­ed — and attempt to be ful­ly con­scious of what’s going on.

This sec­tion will pro­vide some guid­ance to those peer­ing into the future.

Hope­ful­ly we can cre­ate a map for every­one on this journey.

Wisdom 2.0 was pretty cool

I recently attended this conference in Silicon Valley where the tech sector meets the spiritual community ...

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The Secret of Spiritual Materialism

Are you becoming spiritually sidetracked?...

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Whose Problem Is It Anyway?

I'm learning a great "self secret" about the nature of my mind and my problems.  Most of us spend our entire lives thinking about how to solve our problems. But, we still have problems. We're all still suffering...

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What Did Jesus Say?

With all the passion surrounding Jesus's teachings and their impact on our views of the Middle East - let's explore the "real" meaning behind Jesus's words....

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Something About Mary

Over the past few years there's been a resurgence of interest in Mary. Her popularity speaks to a stirring deep within our collective unconscious. The soul of our culture is calling for us to rediscover her image and symbology...

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On Being a Warrior

Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche's view of what it means to be a warrior. ...

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