The Secret Behind the Pill

Published under: Hormone Health, Modern Generation Map

Expe­ri­ence teach­es us that if some­thing seems too good to be true, then it prob­a­bly is.

Although many of us thought that by tak­ing The Pill we were exer­cis­ing our right to repro­duc­tive free­dom — we were actu­al­ly set­ting the stage for some­thing more ominous.

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, The Pill was not — and still is not — serv­ing our best inter­ests. Yes, it allows us to post­pone preg­nan­cy. But, is that ben­e­fit worth the under­min­ing of our health and well-being?

By tak­ing The Pill we became unwit­ting par­tic­i­pants in the FDA’s grand exper­i­ment. The Pill was the first pow­er­ful drug pre­scribed for long term use to nor­mal healthy women for some­thing that was­n’t a disease.

Here’s the history.

The Pill (Envoid) was sub­mit­ted and approved by the FDA in 1960.

By 1962, 1.2 mil­lion woman were using it. By 1965, 5 mil­lion — and by 1970 there were approx­i­mate­ly 10 mil­lion users.

Although it was com­mon­ly thought that The Pill had been test­ed on thou­sands of women in Puer­to Rico — a 1963 Sen­ate inves­ti­ga­tion revealed that it was actu­al­ly only test­ed on 132 women who had tak­en it con­tin­u­ous­ly for a year or longer. Of those 132 women, 3 died dur­ing the test­ing — and no autop­sies were performed.

In addi­tion to the lack of a prop­er FDA inves­ti­ga­tion on the impact to wom­en’s health, there’s anoth­er fac­tor that’s sel­dom dis­cussed. The low lev­el of estro­gen plus prog­estin (syn­thet­ic prog­es­terone) in The Pill puts your body into a sort of con­trolled menopause. 

These are the same hor­mones used in con­ven­tion­al HRT — which accounts for the increase in breast can­cer and vas­cu­lar events seen in women on The Pill.

Why would any woman choose to put her­self into menopause?

And yes, even today, with more than 20 mil­lion women on a low­er dose Pill for birth con­trol — with half of those on it for peri-menopausal symp­toms — it 

at best, masks the real symp­toms of impend­ing dis­ease and enhances low-lev­el estro­gen-dri­ven cell pro­lif­er­a­tion in the breasts, liv­er, and cervix.

Med­ical author­i­ties will say that the jury’s still out. But, do we real­ly want to take the chance? 

Women claim that they want free­dom of choice. If that’s the case, then its time we start tak­ing a more active role in edu­cat­ing our­selves and choos­ing what we put into our bodies. 

Remem­ber, if it seems too good to be true, then it prob­a­bly is. 


T.S. Wiley’s “Sex, Lies, & Menopause,” pages 68–9.

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