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The Shamans of Rock and Roll

Our feature-length documentary explores the shamanic underpinnings in the lives of great rock and roll stars . . .
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My Nanticoke Native American Heritage

My inheritance reflects the victories, defeats, and hard won battles of my ancestors. . .what a gift. . .
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Shamans Versus Priests

Do you know the difference?. . .
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Patrice's Bio

Continuing to pursue highly meaningful, socially conscious creative projects that will impact the world community. . .
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Wisdom 2.0 was pretty cool

I recently attended this conference in Silicon Valley where the tech sector meets the spiritual community . . .
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Welcome To Warrior Priestess

This site offers con­text, direc­tion, and ground­ed com­men­tary dur­ing these times of unprece­dent­ed change.

To the War­rior Priest­ess the ulti­mate bat­tle­ground lies with­in each of us.  In order to make the world whole, we must first do our own inner work.

Years of research­ing mys­ti­cal tra­di­tions and myr­i­ad trans­for­ma­tion­al approach­es has giv­en me a unique per­spec­tive on how to expe­ri­ence a deep­er and more mean­ing­ful life.

Plus, with a film project in the works, dis­cus­sions on this site will allow me to expand upon my ideas.

Hope­ful­ly these arti­cles will add some per­spec­tive to your cur­rent jour­ney.  And, here’s more about me.


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