Hormone FAQs

Published under: Hormone Health, Women



  1. Your body con­tains over 100 dif­fer­ent types of hormones.
  2. Hor­mones are mol­e­cules that are syn­the­sized and secret­ed by glands.
  3. Hor­mones are trans­port­ed through the blood­stream and trans­fer infor­ma­tion and instruc­tions between cells.
  4. Hor­mones act like keys in a lock, or pieces to a puzzle.
  5. Hor­mon­al com­mu­ni­ca­tion pat­terns become less effi­cient long before this inef­fi­cien­cy man­i­fests into chron­ic disease.
  6. Nat­ur­al hor­mone replace­ment con­sists of fine­ly tuned indi­vid­u­al­ized sub­stances that are iden­ti­cal in struc­ture and quan­ti­ty to what a young, healthy body produces.
  7. Nat­ur­al hor­mone replace­ment is not the mas­sive phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal quan­ti­ties includ­ed in stan­dard hor­mone pre­scrip­tions.
  8. The future of health care will be based on hor­mone con­trol.  What a chal­lenge it is to be part of this shift in paradigms.


Source: Her­toghe, M.D. “The Hor­mone Solu­tion: Stay Younger Longer with Nat­ur­al Hor­mone and Nutri­tion Ther­a­pies.”  New York: Three Rivers Press, 2002. Fore­word copy­right, 2002. Bar­ry Sears, Ph.D.

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