What is a Warrior Priestess?


Ram Dass uses “fierce grace” to describe some­one who com­bines divine grace with the pas­sion to embody it.

From this van­tage point, I’ll offer my def­i­n­i­tion of what it means to be a War­rior and a Priestess.

A War­rior

is some­one who is ready and will­ing to do bat­tle with intel­li­gence and truth.

A Priest­ess

is a leader who embod­ies the qual­i­ties of integri­ty, truth, hon­or, wis­dom, and high­er consciousness.

Togeth­er that’s a pow­er­ful propo­si­tion. A War­rior Priest­ess strives to use “fierce grace” in her bat­tle for truth and high­er consciousness.

Does she have all the answers? Of course not. But, she stays open to the inspi­ra­tion that will move her to act — when the time is right.

Patrice’s Bio

Continuing to pursue highly meaningful, socially conscious creative projects that will impact the world community...

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Archeological Evidence

In her book, "Warrior Women," Jeannine Davis-Kimball, Ph.D. outlines the archeological evidence of a vast cross-cultural exchange that stretched from Central Asia to Ireland (from around 6000 B.C. to the early centuries A.D.)...

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Reanimating the Archetypes

The creation of our new global consciousness requires that our feminine archetypes are awakened (in us all) ...

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I’m a Warrior Priestess?

"You are indeed," came her response. Caroline Casey went on to describe a "moon phase" system of symbology...

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A Historical Perspective

Whenever I hear references made to Greece being the cradle of our civilization - or when someone mentions the European Renaissance ushering in our modern era - I'm reminded of another part of our history. A part that's almost never mentioned - that's kept hidden in our collective shadow....

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